
The Latest and Greatest!

Hi ladies,

I am obviously a little bit of a compulsive shopper but then again who isn't! I wish I was on of the lucky people who could say that I don't have a shopping problem and that I can go to stores and not buy one thing but I'm not. And i'm not sure if its a good thing or not, it probably isn't a good thing but then again you know, it means can I show other fashionistas all the wonderful stuff I got and they can share their wonderful stuff with me! So yea its not a bad thing! Wish my boyfriend could understand that! Maybe you guys will appreciate the compulsive shopper in me and check out the new pieces I have added to my wardrobe! Because I am in the process of moving some clothes have already been packed but these one I didn't pack yet so I took some pictures.


1. Dress - Zara 
2. Dress - Audrey 3 +1 
3. Shirt - Zara 
4. Dress - Lush 
5. Dress - Peppermint
6. Shirt - Mango 
7. Top - Via Mio 
8. Blouse - Zara 


  1. i like your blog very much, I follow you!
    Take a look to my blog, I'd love if you want to leave a comment or follow me!



  2. thank you =] yes please follow me, i would appreciate it veyr much! =] i checked out your blog and I love it! I am following you =]

  3. Oooo looks like a successful shopping trip to me! It definitely is a good thing to always buy when you see...it's the worst feeling ever to love something but not buy it and then regret it afterwards!

    Shall we follow each other's blogs? I have a little vintage fashion promotion on atm if you're interested!


  4. @silvia thank you =]
    @ tazz gault yes i also believe in buying something when you first see it becuase if not you end up regretting it and thats no good. I love vintage promotions! I am following you =]


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